Friday, April 23, 2010

Thrillers, Fillers, and Spillers

Nothing says "welcome" or "relax" - it's summertime like a pot full of beaming flowers.  In our climate, perennials give color burst for moments each season. 

Sweet Gerber Tropics

Containers are essential for color and style in the garden.  You can design your own amazing looking containers:

- Be creative in your plant choices (think outside the 4 pack)

- Select plants that will thrive in the container and location

- Use a top quality potting keep hearing this,

  but it's MOST important

- Use a design scheme of thrillers, fillers and spillers...

     Thrillers: Plants that bring punch to the containers

        Common choices: green spike, coleus, evergreen shrub

        Unique choices: cordyline, grasses, fuschia plant, or

         tropical plants like this croton.

     Fillers: Plants that bring fullness to the containers

        Common choices: pansies, begonias, verbena, geraniums,

        impatiens, petunias

        Unique choices: coralbells, hostas, herbs, strawberry 

        plants, and even lettuce!

  Spillers: Plants that, well, spill out of your container

        Common choices: vinca vine, asparagus fern, licorice, & ivy

        Unique choices: ferns, sweet potato vine, ivy geranium

tropical container


  1. Love your urn and your plant combos! I discovered the sweet potato vines last year and every one of my urns was overflowing with their prettiness. Love the plants with colorful foliage. We still have frost this week and I am absolutely itching to get outside and PLANT. So I love your post. Found you on Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays at Coastal Charm.

  2. I think your url looks wonderful. I do have a question though, since this is an urn, there is no drain hole for the water. How do you keep these beauties from getting root rot or other issues due to the excess water just sitting at the bottom of the planter. What do you use?
